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Why Bitter.Codes


With over 10 years of professional experience and 15 years experience in programming I've seen it all.


By using Python and Django I can build and scale web applications very quick. Also keeping in mind future extensions and updates.


Contact me whenever you feel like it, whether you have a spurt of creativity or a quick question and don't worry about waiting until monday.


I've worked on very diverse projects like financial invoice applications, blogs, tracking migration of fish species, webshops and much more, using internal and external API's.

About me

Hi, my name is Robbert and i've been programming for over 15 years. I started making my own websites just because I was so interested in how it all worked. I also always loved helping other people with their problems and wanted to combine those passions. That's why I started my own (web)development company when I was 18 years old.

Since then I encountered lots of projects, including simpler Wordpress websites and also way more advanced Python projects. Because of it's speed in development and diversity I loved Python so much I never looked back at PHP again.

For more information you can go to Projects. Also feel free to contact me with any questions.


Studio Ronduit

Samen met Studio Ronduit heb ik vele projecten opgepakt. We hebben onder andere samen gewerkt aan de B2B pagina van NRC Media. Deze samenwerking is voor beide partijen erg gunstig gezien we elkaar goed aanvullen. Together with Studio Ronduit I did a lot of projects. One of our projects together was the B2B website of NRC Media. We are a good fit which makes working together a blessing.


Let's not litigate

Together with Let's not litigate I developed a financial platform where we use algorithms and AI to figure out whether it's better to fight a case in court or to settle before. Especially for bigger parties this lowers cost of cases and saves a lot of time.



KBTS is a company which uses AI and smart algorithms to track the migration of fish species. For KBTS I wrote most of the tracking and species detection and created a dashboard in which everything is made visible for internal and external use.



At Flagship I was in charge of building the custom cms. This consisted of a blog, a page to compare several financial assets and much more. I also build several internal tools to improve writing articles and showing customers their earned funds.


Phone:+31 6 83 97 81 10

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Whatsapp:stuur mij een bericht